Monday, January 18, 2010

10,000 Year Old Hair Tonic Recipe

Thanks for heading over here to my blog to check out this great hair tonic recipe that I just had to tell you about. I feel like a grandma who is giving away her secret family recipe to the public.

It's okay though because you're like family to me and I really want you to have great success using this. I know you're going to love the results that you get from it. So let's get started into this because I don't want to waste anymore of your precious time.

Here are the ingredients you're going to need in order to use this 10,000 year old recipe:

  • Get 25 fl oz/750 ml of regular vodka (Don't worry you won't get drunk you're not drinking it).
  • Get 3 ounces of cayenne pepper (Totally needed to make this work)
Now here's the fun part so listen up. Mix the two together and leave the mixture to steep for 2 weeks (Shake daily to avoid the mixture from settling). Strain this mixture and then bottle it.

So now if you've followed the above correctly, you have in your hands a very powerful hair tonic that can really make your hair grow fast. All you have to do is spend about 2 minutes each morning rubbing this into your hair and scalp.

Don't worry if you notice a tingling sensation, this is normal and shouldn't last very long.


  1. Does this work? Has anyone tried it before?

  2. so far so good, noticed sudden stop of hair fall and thickening of hair also noticed baby hairs at hair line ! its been about 2 weeks, also taking supplements with this treatment. i like it so far seems to be working!

  3. Is we need to add the Cayenne Powder. the Whole Cayenne. in the vodka.

  4. Christopher LitmonJune 26, 2010 at 11:58 AM

    Yes I would definitely add the whole cayenne powder into the vodka.

  5. Hi, since a month i have been applying Olive oil+ cayenne pepper to by scalp to grow hair on bald areas.My hair fall has reduced considerably and new almost transparent baby hair is growing.The new hair looks as if its grey. Will this hair grow long and strong and dark? Secondly can i use Vodka+ cayenne also to speed up the process. How long will your combo take to show results.Please enlighten me.Am anxiously waiting for your reply on this page. bbtk.
