Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Shampooing Every Day - Totally Not Needed!

Okay everyone has to shampoo their hair right? I mean at least they should because it's just good ole personal hygiene in order to keep the hair and scalp clean. But there are a lot of people taking this to the extreme.

Most of them are hair loss sufferers and they don't even suffer from OCD (excuse the pun). This is totally not needed and is actually dangerous to the growth of your hair.

I'm going to reveal to you why in just a second,but first why do so many people believe shampooing the hair all the time will make it grow back faster?

One thing I've observed is that a lot of folks do this because they've heard how clogged follicles can contribute to a loss of their hair. Others feel like just having a clean scalp is the key to more hair.

Well . . . . clogged follicles can contribute to hair loss when left untreated over time. But your hair needs certain natural oils in it in order to grow properly. You just can't do this every single day.

One great way to shampoo your hair effectively so as to make sure it grows back to its maximum potential is to do this every other day. Perhaps three days out of the week.

If you tend to have oily scalp and feel that more is needed, here's a quick concoction that's natural to help you rid of the oils.

Take a quart of water and mix it with the juice from four lemons. The acidic level of this mixture when applied as a rinse to the scalp will work to safely eliminate any buildup.