Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Are You Getting Enough Zinc & Protein For Your Hair?

Hi there it's me here again and I wanted to make sure that you were doing something that most people losing hair never seem to do.

Are you getting enough zinc and protein into your diet? Well you might say yes to the protein since it is pretty easy to get this just from meats, nuts and so forth.
However it isn't that easy to get zinc unless you are taking a supplement that contains enough of it. You probably have noticed that many shampoo products contain zinc and protein, and this is a good thing for your hair.

Protein will help increase the size of your hair follicles and zinc will even help give your hair its natural color. So if you want to prevent losing hair or even going gray anytime soon, get plenty of zinc and protein.

These are just two of the many nutrients that I stress the importance of in my FREE 14-Page report you can download below. There are tons of things in it that many hair loss companies will probably never share with you in a million years.