Friday, August 28, 2009

Link Between Vitamin Deficiency & Hair Loss

Millions and millions of people world wide suffer from partial or complete hair loss. There exist varied reasons of this agonizing problem. So it is very difficult for dermatologists to ascertain exact reason of hair loss.

However if the loss of hair strikes after usage of certain medications, it could be easily adjudged as a side effect of medication. But many a times the underlying reasons for hair loss remain unidentified. And one such hair loss is deficiency related hair loss. Malnutrition or deficiency of nutrients and vitamins often paves the way for hair fall. So you must check your sharp hair fall against these deficiencies.

Hair follicles require certain vitamins to carry on their constant function of regeneration and growth. If follicles remain deprived of these vitamins they won't be able to carry out their normal functioning and may result in hair loss.

Most often due to poor dietary habits or disturbed metabolism folks happen to be deficient with these vitamins. So a change in dietary habits or food intake is necessary to ensure enough intake of necessary vitamins for hair in order to prevent hair loss.

Vitamin A, E and B are of special significance in keeping the healthy hair.

Vitamin A keeps hair moist by helping them to secrete sebum in scalp as per requirement. This sebum keeps hairs away from dryness. This dryness of hair happens to be first step towards hair fall. So there must not be deficiency of this vital vitamin that also happens to be an anti oxidant.

Vitamin E performs the vital function of increasing level of blood circulation towards scalp and also helps follicle cells take enough oxygen. This result in enhanced ability of follicles to regenerate and grow hair. And the deficiency would adversely affect follicular function.

And four different types of vitamin B also cast adverse effect on hair condition if present in less than needed level. Biotin is a complex vitamin B that effectively curbs hair loss and contribute greatly in keeping hairs firm on scalp. Milk and egg yolk are major sources to cover up this deficiency. Para Amino Benzoic Acid is another B complex that is of equal significance for hair nourishment. Vitamin B6 and Inositol are other two B vitamins that are necessary for healthy hair.

If you are facing deficiency of these vitamins you should incorporate food items in your diet to ensure sufficient intake of these vitamins. It would lessen possibility of hair loss.


  1. Thanks Christopher, Its a good post.

    However, I have another way to grow hair along with a proper diet.

    My brother literally had lots of grey hair on his head with no growth and severe hair loss. We visited number of doctors and none of them solved his problem.

    One day, i came across a product named "Jasred" by "Brihans Natural Products". It is a gel made of hibiscus flowers. Initially, we were skeptical about how it works. but still we did want to take a chance as it is a herbal product (so no or minimum side effects) and it is composed of Hibiscus flowers (which is believed as super-duper hair growing tonic in India).

    To our utter amazement, it worked very well. His hair stopped falling in just 2 weeks. Not only that, it started growing like a *forest* (i mean it). His hair is getting denser and thick day by day. All the new hair he is getting is all black. So, when he went for a hair-cut after a month, most of his grey hair was gone.

    This product is a real magic but haah!!! it is still natural.

    It does not turn your hair black but it will definitely promote growth of (black) hair.

    We live in Hyderabad (India). So anybody who can lay their hands on this product, dont miss it. Just grab it and see the results for your self.

    It worked for me as well in growing my hair thick.

  2. If vitamin lack is the cause ,or one cause in the loss of hair, then how do you see people of India . Many of these people have hair I wish I could have. I am sure I have a whole lot more vitamins in my system than they do . Just not as much hair as they have.

  3. Hi to the person who commented on Jasred. I would like to know more about Brihans Natural Products. My son is only 17 and is losing his hair. I am trying to find something that is natural and really does work as you know 17 year olds can be quite lazy and it is not always easy to make them eat healthy. It seems too good to be true. Is it really as good as you say? Please help. Thanks
