Monday, January 18, 2010

10,000 Year Old Hair Tonic Recipe

Thanks for heading over here to my blog to check out this great hair tonic recipe that I just had to tell you about. I feel like a grandma who is giving away her secret family recipe to the public.

It's okay though because you're like family to me and I really want you to have great success using this. I know you're going to love the results that you get from it. So let's get started into this because I don't want to waste anymore of your precious time.

Here are the ingredients you're going to need in order to use this 10,000 year old recipe:

  • Get 25 fl oz/750 ml of regular vodka (Don't worry you won't get drunk you're not drinking it).
  • Get 3 ounces of cayenne pepper (Totally needed to make this work)
Now here's the fun part so listen up. Mix the two together and leave the mixture to steep for 2 weeks (Shake daily to avoid the mixture from settling). Strain this mixture and then bottle it.

So now if you've followed the above correctly, you have in your hands a very powerful hair tonic that can really make your hair grow fast. All you have to do is spend about 2 minutes each morning rubbing this into your hair and scalp.

Don't worry if you notice a tingling sensation, this is normal and shouldn't last very long.

How to Effectively Use Olive Oil To Combat Hair Loss

Do you know how you can use olive oil to regrow your hair like never before?

Just in case you don't, I'm going to reveal to you just how you can do that starting today and see incredible results within a week's time. Before I go into the details on how to make this happen, you need to know a little about olive oil and how it works so well.

Olive oil contains a ton of fatty acids. Your body converts these into triglyercides and then delivers them to parts of the body where they can be used such as in your hair follicles. Olive oil is also a potent natural antioxidant.

It will rid your scalp of bacteria that could lead to other problems such as dandruff. And just in case you didn't know it, dandruff can lead to hair loss. So you're going to find that the little method I have in store for you is proven to work and benefit your hair a lot.

Let's get started:

What you should do is take a tablespoonful of olive and place it onto your fingertips (not the palms of your hands). What you do now is rub your fingertips with the oil together rapidly to warm it up. Start along the hairline and work your way down to the back and sides of the scalp, massaging it in.

You can use more oil as needed as you work your way towards the back of your scalp if you need to. Work the olive oil from your roots to your tips. Go to sleep and the following morning wash it out with a mild shampoo.

Believe it or not, this is actually a unique natural remedy that has been used for a very long time by various ancient tribes. Many of these tribes till this day are still using such techniques to make their hair grow back much thicker and fuller. 

A lot of people have no clue as to the power of using natural substances to regrow their hair. If you haven't heard about the THR Hair Again system, you'll find that this is unlike any other program for naturally increasing hair growth. It's definitely worth your time to do so.

Perfect Vitamins for Any Thinning Hair Problem

What I wanted to show you today was the importance of getting specific key vitamins into your body to turn your thinning hair into thick, luscious locks fast.

Of course this can be a daunting task with trial and error. So I wanted to save you the hassles of trying this and that so that you can see results much faster.

The first vitamin you should know about is biotin. If I had a dollar for every dermatologist and hair specialist who recommended this, I would be the richest man on earth.

So why should you really take biotin? What can it do for you? Well biotin is important for releasing carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
It is also a major contributor to cell replication and growth. The more cells replicating in the scalp, the more hair you will grow. You can't forget to eat the right foods containing this great vitamin as well.

Here are some key foods containing biotin:

  • Green peas
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Egg Yolk
  • Brewers Yeast
  • Brown Rice
So what are some other key vitamins that are sure to stop your hair from thinning? Consider the benefits of getting plenty of vitamin B3, B5, B6 and B12. They all contribute to your hair's density and B12 helps you maintain good hair color.

Here's one biggy to note if you have type A blood. Most people with this blood type have a hard time absorbing vitamin B as well as biotin in their bodies. If this is the case with you, try getting these vitamins in higher doses to speed up your results.