Today I wanted to take the time to talk about three of the biggest minerals proven to help curb hair loss.
Even though these minerals work so well to help boost the growth of your hair, they are often overlooked. Getting these into your body consistently is a must. So let's take a quick look at each one shall we?
Chromium prevent hyperglycemia as well as hypoglycemia. Both of these can lead to hair loss. In order to get the most benefit from chromium, you will need at least 120 mg of it per day.
Food sources: You can obtain this mineral from Brewer's yeast, liver, beef and whole wheat bread.
One interesting thing about iodine is that it helps regulate the thyroid gland. If you know anything about hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, this condition most certainly affects hair growth.
Getting a daily dose of 150 mcg of iodine will effectively prevent dry hair and hair loss.
Food sources: If you want to get plenty of iodine, eat foods such as fish, seaweed, kelp and garlic.
Last but definitely not least, sulfur is one heck of a mineral for promoting healthy hair growth. It's one of the main components to your hair's structure. One to three grams of this is required daily for healthy hair growth function.
Food sources:
Eating foods like onions, garlic, eggs, asparagus, meat, fish and dairy products will provide you with the right amount of sulfur.
That concludes our examination of the three biggest overlooked hair growth minerals. Whatever you do, do NOT skip on these. They are sure to allow your hair to grow to its full potential.
Christopher Litmon